Friday, August 27, 2010

Lustre Lotion Vs.Moroccan Oil

The other day I reviewed Schwarzkopf’s got2b Smooth Operator Smoothing Lustre Lotion, a product I was rather impressed with. But despite being pleased with its performance, I was unsure if I liked it better than Moroccan Oil, my regular frizz-fighting, post-hair washing product.

So I did the only logical thing I could do: After my last three hair-washing sessions, I split my towelled-dried hair into two sections and used Moroccan Oil on one half and the Lustre Lotion on the other.

Here the results of my highly unscientific test:

Ease of Use

Both products are easy to apply to your hair (and both require a light touch). But getting the products out of their bottles, well, that’s a different story.

One is a lightweight lotion that comes out of a plastic bottle via pump. The other requires you to pour a fairly thick oil out of a glass bottle. Clear winner here.


Both products leave hair feeling touchable and not heavy or sticky.
Interestingly, the softest section of hair is right at the back, where the two products probably mixed a bit. But touching just the sides, the side that used the Lustre Lotion is slightly softer feeling so it wins this category.

Frizz-fighting Power

Both products started out equally strong but as the day went out, the Lustre Lotion side did become visibly frizzier. While brushing my hair did smooth things down and the Lustre Lotion side did a better overnight, I’m giving this to the Moroccan Oil because I am lazy and want a product that requires no maintenance once I’ve applied it.


OK, this was a tough category to pick a winner because both products to a great job. But, after analyzing my hair in several bathroom mirrors for several minutes (sorry co-workers!) I’m giving the edge to Moroccan Oil. That side just seemed to have a touch more sparkle to it.


Lustre Lotion goes for about $7 for 200 ml; Moroccan Oil about $40 for 100 ml. While one bottle of the oil will last me months longer than the lotion (my last bottle lasted for six months), the lotion is still the cheaper option.


This was a close match but in the end, I’m going to stick with Moroccan Oil. It did score higher in the key fields of “Frizz-fighting” and “Shininess” after all. As well, I found that the oil did a better job at detangling my wet hair than the lotion did.

Lustre Lotion is though a fine product and I would completely recommend it to anyone looking for a Moroccan Oil alternative.

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