Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Shoppers’ Not-so-mega Redemption Day

For the last few years Shoppers Drugmart has been offering what it calls a “mega-redemption” day at the very end of November or very start of December.  Last year, redeeming 95,000 Optimum points (the top level) on this day got you $250 in free stuff instead of the usual $170 or $190 that you can get if you redeem on a “bonus” day. Without a doubt, the mega-redemption day offered the best bang for your Optimum points.

The rumours about this year’s mega-redemption day started several weeks ago and it soon became clear that something was going to happen this Saturday, December 1. Because of the timing, many people, including myself, figured that it would be mega-redemption that, at minimum, would result in $250 worth of free stuff for those of us who cashed in 95,000 points.

But then this flyer appeared over on the forum and delivered the bad news that this Saturday wasn’t the mega-redemption day.  It’s a “Spend your points day” that will give 95,000 points a value of $210. While that’s still a better-than-usual redemption offer, it’s no $250 and isn’t even the best one offered so far this year.

Initially my thoughts on this were, “Whatever, I’m still going to spend my points because I need stuff for Christmas” but then I started reading that there might still be a mega-redemption day, just closer to Christmas.  Of course, then some people pointed out that it might be after Christmas and I can see why Shoppers might do that; it would be a great way to move products post-holiday season.

But I don’t need to buy stuff after Christmas, I need to buy it before and while I would like to wait and see if there is mega-redemption day this year, what if there isn’t one? Yeah, I could just hold onto my points and spend cash on the stuff I need to buy but I don’t want to do that, I want to use my points to pick up things like Christmas cards, chocolates and maybe even a few gifts.


Shoppers, I thought we were friends; why must you make life tricky like this?
(While I’m not happy about it, I think I will redeem my points on Saturday since that at least is a sure thing.)

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